Sunday, December 8, 2013


Chrysanthemum history dates back to the fifteenth century B.C. The prefix “chrys-” comes from the Greek language meaning golden, it’s original color, and “anthemion,” meaning flower. Although this flower started as golden, years of gardening have produced a wide variety of colors including pink, red, white, magenta, and purple. These daisy-like flowers are a symbol for optimism and joy. Chrysanthemums are the thirteenth wedding anniversary flower, the November birthday flower, and the official flower for Chicago.

Different cultures celebrate the chrysanthemum in unique ways. The chrysanthemum signifies a life of ease in Chinese cultures. The Japanese consider this flower to be a symbol of the sun and the unfolding of the petals signify perfection. Confucius even suggested that the chrysanthemum should be used as an object of meditation.

The various colors of chrysanthemum have distinctive meanings. Yellow represents a refusal of romantic advances. Red chrysanthemums mean the spark of a new relationship. White signifies honesty and the request for truth. Violent chrysanthemums represent a wish for health and wellbeing.
-Alberts Florists Blog

If chrysanthemums are visualized in dreams, this indicates the discovery or unfolding of the inner self. It can also represent a time of great personal growth out of hardship leading to a stronger realization of identity.

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